Tangie Dreams: The use of light by Bublegumsr

Lights are a fundamental element in Bublegum's artistic work. The way in which light is represented can influence the atmosphere, mood, depth and realism of the work, as well as transmit emotions, create visual effects and give life to the characters and objects represented.


The position of light is a fundamental element in the plastic arts. It serves you to create volumes and create an expression and impact.

History of light within art

Light has been a crucial tool in artistic creation throughout history, dating back to cave paintings thousands of years ago. Ancient artists used natural light to illuminate the caves and rocks in which they painted. Although these early examples were not realistic representations of light, they laid the foundation for the use of light as an artistic tool in later works of art.

However, it was during the Renaissance in Europe that the realistic representation of light experienced a breakthrough. Artists such as Leonardo da Vinci used the "sfumato" technique, which involves blurring contours and softening tonal transitions to render light and shadow more realistically. This allowed artists to create effects of lightness and depth in their works, giving them a more natural, three-dimensional look.

During the Baroque, the representation of light reached new levels of mastery. Caravaggio, one of the masters of chiaroscuro, used his own light in his works to create dramatic effects and contrasts of light and shadow.

With the rise of photography in the 19th century, photographic artists began to experiment with artificial light and use light manipulation and exposure techniques to create visual and emotional effects in their images. This opened up new creative possibilities in the representation of light in art, and many artists began to incorporate photography as a tool in their creative process.


Types of light in art

Throughout the centuries, each artistic movement opted for a particular use of light, being natural light, which comes from external light sources such as the sun or the moon. Natural light can change throughout the day and the seasons, allowing artists to play with tones, shadows, and lighting effects in their work.

 Another type of light used in art is artificial light, which can be created by man through lamps, candles, or any other source of artificial lighting. Artificial light allows artists to have greater control over the lighting in their works, creating precise and controlled light and shadow effects. Artists can use artificial light to create more intimate, dramatic, or surreal moods in their work, playing with light intensity, color, and direction to convey their creative vision.

Natural vs Artificial Light:



 Bublegumsr has repeatedly painted firelight in his graffiti. His warm glow and dancing shadows create a visually and emotionally striking effect on the artwork. The shadows that are generated add depth and texture to the work, and create an intimate or dramatic atmosphere. Bublegumsr enjoys the play of light and shadow produced by firelight, and using it as an expressive tool to convey her creative vision and evoke emotions in the viewer.




Tangie Dreams

In this mural, Bublegumsr merges the portrait of Maggie Lindemann with some 3D letters where the light source is the lighter that Maggie is holding. The orange lighting creates a warm and enveloping atmosphere in the work, generating a contrast between the darkness of the background and the illuminated letters. The letters and their three-dimensional appearance add depth and dimension to the work. The combination of sensuality and mystery together with the dynamism of the letters creates a visually captivating work that evokes emotions and stimulates the viewer's imagination.





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